Project FIDAL Beyond Field Trials has launched its very first Open Call targeting innovators in Media, Entertainment, Emergency Services and Time Critical Applications and Services.
The Open Call welcomes applications from SMEs, start-ups, research institutions, groups of entrepreneurs, app developers and infrastructure owners looking to test innovative solutions beyond 5G in the verticals of Media and Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR).
The total available budget for this Call is of 4 million EUROS
Successful applications could receive up to EUR 250,000 to showcase and test solutions in the field of 5G and 6G for an expected duration of 12 months.
To learn more and apply, click on the FIDAL Open Call Page
On Thursday 5th October, 11h00-12h30 interested applicants will be able to learn more in a dedicated Open Call webinar. The session will introduce the open call, some of its echnical aspects and an overview of the application processes. The webinar will include a Q&A session.
To attend the event, fill in the Registration Form.