PSCE @ Civil Security From Space Industry Day

On 8 November David Lund (PSCE) presented PSCE and some of its main activities (BroadWay-BroadNet) at the occasion of the Civil Security From Space Industry Day organised by ESA. as part of the 4S Programme. Europe is facing increasingly significant challenges as it...

Launch of the French Réseau Radio du Futur (RRF)

On October 13th, French Prime Minister Gerald Darmanin announced the launch of the French Réseau Radio du Futur (RRF) the next generation communication system for public safety services in France. This communication system must replace the obsolete means of...

Second Meeting of BroadNet partners

The BroadNet Preparation meeting was held in Prague on 22nd September and brought together Senior Decision Makers from 13 European countries and representatives of the European Commission DG Home. The meeting was opened by Mr Urban Bohdan, Director of the Department...