by PSCE | Sep 27, 2022 | PSCE News
📅 Today in Brussels, David Lund (Public Safety Communication Europe (PSCE)), on behalf BroadWay PCP-Project, took part in the first panel of the CERIS Annual Event 2022: Fighting Crime and Terrorism and Resilient Infrastructure (European Commission – DG HOME):...
by PSCE | Jul 2, 2020 | Past projects
CiProVoT – Civil Protection Volunteers Training CiProVoT is an Erasmus+ project which aims to develop a Trans-national training course module for Civil Protection Volunteers (partly peer-education/partly with the use of external expert trainers). The...
by PSCE | Sep 22, 2022 | PSCE News
The PSCE team is happy to inform you that the PSCE Winter Conference 2022 will be held in Brussels, in the premises of the Belgian Federal Police (Rue Royale 202 A, 1000 Bruxelles), next December 5 & 6, with a social event in the evening of the first day. The...
by PSCE | Jul 2, 2020 | Past projects
DRIVER+ – Driving Innovation in Crisis Management for European Resilience DRIVER + is the continuation of DRIVER, and seek to drive the next stage of innovation in Crisis Management for European Resilience, and take better into account the needs of Crisis...
by PSCE | Sep 22, 2022 | PSCE News
The CORE Consortium is happy to invite you to join its Webinar #2 on Designing an inclusive resilience: The full consideration of vulnerability before, during and after disasters, to be held next October 3, 2022, from 13h00 to 16h00 CET. You can already register here,...